How to Use HubSpot’s New Forms Editor (2025)

Written by
Good Team
Created on
January 24, 2025
Video Tutorial: HubSpot’s Forms Editor (2025)
How to use HubSpot’s New Forms Editor
Multi-Step forms! Design Changes! Custom Formatting! HubSpot updated their forms editing tool, keeping many of the same helpful features while adding some complex items that will make your forms strategy more in-depth. In this video Megan walks through all the features that were released and how to navigate the tool, we’re excited about how this will impact user’s overall HubSpot strategy while keeping top level data clean and organized.
If you’ve been using HubSpot for a while you know how valuable building your system on one platform can be, HubSpot’s new forms feature provides a an update to the traditional forms editor making it easier to design, format, and track data in your portal. If you’re running into issues with data management or organization, check out our DYI HubSpot audit below.
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