How to Change your Default Home Page in HubSpot

_Default Home Page in HubSpot

Written by

Good Team

Created on

April 11, 2022

Change your default home page in your HubSpot account

Why would you want to change it?

Let’s say that you’re a sales manager and when you go into HubSpot all you care about is Deals.

Or you’re a marketing manager and all you care about is emails or a report.

Or maybe you’re a service rep and you only care about Tasks or Tickets.

Here is one way to personalize your HubSpot account to meet your needs.

Here’s how:


That’s it! Now you know how to change your default home page in HubSpot.

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If you aren’t able to watch How to Change your Default Home Page in HubSpot, read the captions here:

Hello I’m going to show you
how to change the default home
page on your HubSpot account.
Right now, my default home
page is my deals board.
Let’s say that I’m
a stylist manager,
and when I go to
Hubspot, all I care about
is deals and moving deals
through my pipeline.

So maybe your marketing
manager and all I care about
is emails or the report that
has to do with your campaigns.
Maybe you’re a service you
just want to go straight
to tasks or tickets.
Maybe you are an
ops person and you
want to see reports
or data or contacts.
Who knows what you want to see?
You guys do a lot of work,
so this is just one step
to personalizing your account.

So what you’re going to do
is you’re going to Settings.
And then under your
preferences right here,
you’re going to click General.
You scroll down till you
see a default home page
and you’ll just select
any of these pages
that you want to default it to.
So let’s say I am.
Really concerned with reports.
When I log into my Hubspot,
what I’m going to do
is select dashboards,
click Save.
And it does ask that you.
Allow a few minutes for
the changes to take effect.
Usually if you log out and
log back in, it’ll come back.
So we’ll see if that comes back.
All right.
So I just walked back in and.
There you go.

Dashboard library.
That’s my home page.
So that’s how you change your
default home page within.

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