Difference Between a Contact Workflow and a Deal Workflow in HubSpot and When to Use Them

Contact and Deal Workflow

Written by

Good Team

Created on

April 19, 2024

What is the Difference Between a Contact Workflow and a Deal Workflow in HubSpot and When to Use Them

Here are Differences Between a Contact Workflow and a Deal Workflow in HubSpot and When to Use Them:

There are multiple different types of workflows, which are based on Objects and the properties under the objects. The controls and triggers you can do within a workflow are based off of the object you’re trying to work with and the properties that are available in that object.

Say you want to update lifecycle stage when the contact fills out a certain form:

  1. Go to Create a workflow > if you select Contact-based > Set up trigger then you’ll see you can work with all the contact properties under Filter type.
    1. Contact property > select Form submissions then Contact has filled out form on and enter “Any page” > Apply filter > Save.
    2. Click the + button > Set property value > under Target object, insert “Contact” and under Update property to, insert “Lifecycle stage” and under Set lifecycle stage as, insert “Marketing Qualified Lead” > Apply filter > Save.

In a Deal-based workflow, you can’t do all of the same things because these are deal properties in a deal and not contact properties in a contact.

Say you want to send an email when the deal enters certain stage of pipeline:

  1. Go to Create a workflow > if you select Deal-based > Set up trigger then you’ll see you can work with all the deal properties under Filter type.
    1. Deal property > enter “Pipeline” then select is any of and enter “Sales Pipeline” > Apply filter > AND > enter “Deal stage” is any of and enter “Closed Lost” > Apply filter > Save.
    2. Click the + button > Send email > set Association label to “All contacts” and select the email you want to send > Save


 That’s it! Now you know the Difference Between a Contact Workflow and a Deal Workflow in HubSpot and When to Use Them


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