4 Ways Growth Marketing Produces Leads While You Sleep

Written by
Good Team
Created on
October 1, 2021
As the market has evolved, so has lead generation. By automating parts of your growth marketing strategy, you can generate leads without even being at your computer. Here are four ways growth marketing can produce leads while you sleep.
1. Lead Magnets
With online users increasingly wary of spam and scammers, a simple-but-effective tactic is offering something in exchange for personal information. Users are already inundated with advertisements. The last thing they want is more of them, or to share their personal information such as email address or name just to receive ads.
A far more effective strategy for producing leads is a lead magnet. You can offer something in exchange for personal information, whether that be free content or a discount or deal. Deals and discounts are excellent ways to garner growth of customers or clients, as they will only be useful for your services or products.
Providing free content is also very effective, because you can tailor the content to encourage further growth and offer users something of value at the same time. Offers can include informational books, guides, and anything else that might interest potential leads.
2. Landing Pages
Landing pages are one of the most crucial pieces of an automated growth marketing campaign. Your landing page is where users go after clicking a call-to-action elsewhere, and the goal of your landing page is to convert leads.
If your lead magnet is working, this is where users can opt in to receive your offer in exchange for their information, so landing pages should include a lead form where interested individuals can submit personal information—which should be immediately visible when navigating to the page. Landing pages should also be visually pleasing, and include images relevant to your brand.
3. Email
Email marketing is very useful for converting interest into leads. If someone has given you their email address, chances are they’re already familiar with and interested in your brand. However, unless you’re prepared to write personalized emails all day long to anyone who signs up with an online form, automating emails is a necessity.
With automated emailing, you can ensure that interested individuals will receive an email from you shortly after signing up, making it far less likely they have lost interest or forgotten about your brand. You’ll also be able to segment your mailing lists based on form criteria, send relevant offers and calls to action to the right recipients, and automatically address recipients by first name if they’ve supplied you one.
Emails offer a small window into a prospective user’s world, so be sure to format them accordingly. Use a clean layout and clear, easy-to-read call-to-action they can see right away. From here, compelled users can navigate to your landing page.
4. Free Content
Providing uncommitted users free content is a very effective way to garner interest in lead magnets. You can use many formats, but the one you choose should be useful to users by being informative, entertaining, or both. You should also include a call to action that will lead interested individuals to your landing page.
There are several types of free content you can provide, such as blogs, videos, and infographics. For instance, with a blog you can offer readers useful information in an easily digestible format, and also tailor it to encourage them towards your call to action. Blogs will be especially effective with people who prefer to read. For people who prefer auditory or visual data, short videos may be more effective. For those who are strictly visual learners, infographics might be especially appealing.
When it comes to expanding customer relationships and growing your brand, an effective growth marketing strategy can go quite a long way. While a growth marketing strategy includes multiple marketing channels and may seem like an intensive process, optimizing your marketing strategy with relevant automations can generate new leads and grow your brand.
If you’re interested in optimizing or developing a growth marketing strategy, but don’t know where to start, Good Team offers growth marketing services that can help you automate your workflow and take your business to the next level.

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