Learn How to Create Custom Properties in HubSpot (Video)

custom properties in HubSpor

Written by

Good Team

Created on

May 27, 2022

Learn how to create custom properties in HubSpot:

Create custom properties by:

  1. Click settings
  2. Click properties
  3. Create Property
  4. Select object type
  5. Select Group (internal info)
  6. Label lead source
  7. Add description (internal info)
  8. Add field type
  9. Add forms
  10. Create

That’s it! Now you know how to create custom properties in HubSpot!

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This is, Frances
from good team.
And I’m going to show
you how to create
custom properties in HubSpot.

So if you’re in your
home page, you’re
going to navigate
to your settings.
We’ll here you’re going to
go scroll down to Properties
under data management.

For this example, I’m going to
create a lead source property.
So sometimes you may want to
track specific source of what
your leads come from.

And you you may not want to
get involved in workflows
and drill Downs and
reporting metrics.

So you just want to
have a hidden field
on your form, which
is how we use it
and tie it to the
form submission.

So for this example, this is
going to be a contact property
that we’re creating.

There are many different
types of properties,
but you see that HubSpot has
a lot that’s already created,
which is great.

It’s one of the greatest
tools that has offers,
but to create the
property, you’re
just going to click
Create property
and then you want to
select the object type.

So you’ve got company
contact deal feedback,
market event, product ticket.
For this example, we’re
going to be using contact
because we want to tie it
to a contact under group.

You can drill down a little
bit and give yourself
some internal information on
what kind of property is this.
Again, this is a
lead source property.

So we’re going to be doing
conversion information
because we’re going to tie
it to the context conversion

I’m going to label this
custom lead source.
You can add a description, if
you like, for internal notes.

For this example, I’m
going to be using the field
type as a multiple checkbox.
Something to note.

If you’re going to be using this
custom property in any kind of,
you need to track it with
any kind of export or import
with an Excel spreadsheet
or CSV file or something.

I would recommend
using single line text
because that is kind of
the general all language
input that you can use.

So that when you import export,
the property doesn’t get lost.
If you use something like
dropdown select or radius
selector, that’s kind
of specific to HubSpot.

So the spreadsheet is not
going to read drop that.
It’s a dropdown selector.
So you want to be careful
if you this is something
to think about if you’re
going to be import and export
lists on a regular basis.

But for us, we use.
We’re going to use
the lead source
as a hidden field in the form.

So we’re going to use
checkboxes here so that we
can know that the lead source
is named the exact same thing
in every situation.

We just have to check a box
when you’re inputting it.
So for this example, we’ll
say that a lead source maybe
is a campaign. We’ll call it a quarterly

Quarterly campaign,
maybe it’s a Facebook ad,
maybe it’s a sales rep.
So you can add many,
many options here.

But what it will look like
in forms is like this.
So again, we’re using
it as a hidden field.
So we’ll just have each checked
and it will tie to the contact
look like this simple time.

Make sure that if
you are going to use
it informs that you
want this to show up
in form so that when
you’re creating that form,
you have access to it.

After that it’s pretty
simple click Create
and then you should be
able to see it here.
So again, that’s how you create
a custom property in HubSpot.

If you have any questions,
leave us a comment below
or if you’d like to
work with us a good team
and you just need a
little help with HubSpot.
Let us know. We’d be happy to help you.

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